"Central Falls Welcome Sign Project Phase 2" by Lindsay Guastefeste, Elyssa Roketenetz et al.

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During the fall of 2013, graphic design students presented their designs for a new welcome sign to the City of Central Falls. The City selected two designs to investiage further for the site and to have cost estimates generated for. Students completed their work during the spring of 2014. What follows are the design options, renderings, dimensions and cost estimates for the selected two Welcome Signs for the City of Central Falls.


For this design, the intent was to create a completely different identity for the City of Central Falls, as well as create a stronger connection with the state of Rhode Island. The curved shape that is created by the top portion of the design suggests a relationship with the Ocean State and the symbol of the wave that is seen throughout the State and even its license plate. It also creates a more modern approach with its abstract shape as well as creates a new and recognizable destination for tourists and locals. The use of brick for the base suggests that although new and different and for the future, it still holds true to the principles that make Central Falls the City it is today.
