Content Posted in 2020
27th Annual Barristers' Ball : The Roaring 2020's Masquerade Ball 02-22-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law and Andrea Hansen
A framework for modeling contaminant impacts on reservoir water quality, Lillian C. Jeznach, Christina Jones, Thomas Matthews, John E. Tobiason, and David P. Ahlfeld
A Full Fall Day at Roger Williams University, Justin Wilder
At Rhode Island PBS, RWU Alum, Interns Use Digital Resources to Support Remote Education, Anna Cohen
Authority for Municipal Resilient Road Infrastructure Funding Strategies in Rhode Island, Jimmy Smith and Read Porter
Bacon Construction Co. v. Arbella Protection Insurance Co., 208 A.3d 595 (R.I. 2019), Lucas A. Sylvia
Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC v. Providence Business Loan Fund, Inc., 200 A.3d 153 (R.I. 2019)., Ethan M. Armitano
Blais v. Rhode Island Airport Corp., 212 A.3d 604 (R.I. 2019), Sarah Friedman
Boldly Marching Through Closed Doors: The Experiences of the Earliest Female Attorneys in Their Own Words, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
Boldly Marching Through Closed Doors: The Experiences of the Earliest Female Attorneys in Their Own Words, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
Boudreau v. Automatic Temperature Controls, Inc., 212 A.3d 594 (R.I. 2019), Sophia J. Weaver
Bristol, RWU Cooperative Committee Accepting Grant Applications from Local Groups, Individuals, Roger Williams University
Canonizing the Jew: Amy Levy's Challenge to Victorian Poetic Identity, Cynthia Scheinberg
Celebrating the First Women Lawyers in Rhode Island, Michael M. Bowden
Champions For Justice 2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Christy’s Auto Rentals, Inc. v. Massachusetts Homeland Insurance Co., 204 A.3d 1071 (R.I. 2019), Tatiana Gomez
Climate Change and Government Negligence Liability in Massachusetts, Melissa Chalek
Cognitive Apprenticeship as Pedagogical Strategy: Introducing Conversacolor, Cynthia Scheinberg
Comparison of SELDM Simulated Total-Phosphorus Concentrations with Ecological Impervious-Area Criteria, Lillian C. Jeznach and Gregory E. Granato
Construction Management Students Build House in New SECCM Labs Building, Anna Cohen
Court Issues Preliminary Injunction Against President Trump’s Ban on Uninsured Immigrants, Peter Margulies
Cranston Police Retirees Action Comm. v. City of Cranston, 208 A.3d 557 (R.I. 2019), Tyler Martin
Developing Intercultural Competency in Public Speaking Classrooms: Strategies Through Mass Media Critical Analysis, Moronke Oshin 9495817
Does Doe v. Mattis Open the Door to Citizen-Detainee Transfer?, Amy Greer Ph.D.
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, Do They Make a Difference? The U.S. and the European Union Companies, Bryan Schmutz, Minoo Tehrani, Lawrence Fulton, and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Fair Housing Enforcement in the Age of Digital Advertising: A Closer Look at Facebook’s Marketing Algorithms, Nadiyah J. Humber and James Matthews
Family Limited Partnerships: Are They Still a Viable Weapon in the Estate Planner’s Arsenal?, Matthew Van Leer-Greenberg Esq., LLM
Fighting Over the Conservative Banner, Carl Bogus
First Women Lawyers in Rhode Island, Roger Williams University School of Law
Giarrusso v. Giarrusso, 204 A.3d 1102 (R.I. 2019), Karen Lara
Grace Aguilar, Cynthia Scheinberg
Green Cities and Waste Management: The Restaurant Industry, Minoo Tehrani, Lawrence Fulton, and Bryan Schmutz
Health Disparities and Cardiovascular Disease, Ava Niakouei, Minoo Tehrani, and Lawrence Fulton
He Made Us Better: RWU Remembers Dean Potter, Anna Cohen
History of the First Women Project, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
History of the First Women Project, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
HousingWorks RI at RWU Releases 2020 Housing Fact Book, HousingWorks
HousingWorks RI at RWU Releases 2020 Housing Fact Book, HousingWorks RI
“I Matter”: Analyzing Self-Care, Racial Performativity, and Podcasting*, Molly Shilo
Incorporating Interstellar Communication into the Classroom: The Pioneer 10 Plaque, Matthew Petrunia
In re Joziah B., 207 A.3d 451 (R.I. 2019), Devon Q. Toro
In re Sophia M., 204 A.3d 605 (R.I. 2019, Erin Ferry
Introduction: Judaism, Cynthia Scheinberg
Introduction: Re-Mapping Anglo-Jewish Literature History, Cynthia Scheinberg
In West Philadelphia Born and Raised or Moving to Bel-Air? Racial Steering as a Consequence of Using Race Data on Real Estate Websites, Nadiyah J. Humber
Is This A Christian Nation?: Virtual Symposium September 25, 2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Jewishness and Judaism, Cynthia Scheinberg
Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Against Proclamation Barring Uninsured Immigrants, Peter Margulies
Judicial Independence: Origins and Contemporary Challenges, David J. Barron
Justice Department Inspector General’s Report Raises Troubling Questions About FBI’s Role in FISA Cases, Peter Margulies
Law Library Blog (April 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (August 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (December 2019): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (February 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (January 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (March 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (May 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (November 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (October 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law Library Blog (September 2020): Legal Beagle's Blog Archive, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: AALS Honors Barron With Major Pro Bono Award 11/14/2019, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: A Commencement Like No Other 05-15-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Adjunct Professor Of The Year: David Coombs 05-13-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: A Farewell To Departing Directors 06-08-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: A Fond Farewell To Dean Michael Yelnosky 06-26-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Among The Trailblazers 12/02/2019, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: A Place At The Table 2-20-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Bright Anniversaries In Uncertain Times 10/06/2020, Nicole Dyszlewski and Louisa Fredey
Law School News: Broadening The Perspective 12/04/2019, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Dean's Distinguished Service Award: Raquel Ortiz 05-22-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Dennis W. Nixon: Doctor Of Laws, Honoris Causa 05-09-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: Distinguished Research Professor: John Chung 05-24-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Distinguished Service Professor: Deborah Gonzalez 05-20-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Fall 2020 Reopening: The FAQ 07-09-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: F.A.Q.: COVID-19 And RWU Law, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: FAQ For 1Ls 04-16-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: FAQ For 3Ls 04-07-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: F.A.Q. Update: COVID-19 And RWU Law 03-30-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: 'Injustice Dehumanizes Everyone It Touches' 1-31-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Introducing RWU Law's Sixth Dean 07-01-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Judge Rogeriee Thompson, Legal Pioneer Dorothy Crockett Among Influential "Women Of The Century" 08/19/2020, Eryn Dion and Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: 'Law Isn't A Foreign Language Anymore' 11/24/2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Law Student Of The Year! 04-03-2020, Michael M. Bowden and Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: Meet Our New Board Members 06-11-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Olin W. Thompson, III: Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa 05-08-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: Professor Of The Year: Tara Allen 05-14-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Remembering John Lewis 07-18-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Ruth Bader Ginsburg And RWU Law 09/23/2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: RWU Law Announces Sixth Dean 04-13-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: RWU Law Professors, ACLU Seek Release For All ICE Detainees At Wyatt 05-18-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: RWU Law Professors File Emergency COVID-19 Lawsuit 04-12-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: RWU Law Professors Win Release For Two Immigrants At Risk For COVID-19 04-24-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: Staff Person Of The Year: Ann Marie Thompson 05-12-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Stonger Together: A Black Law Student Association Photoshoot 03-02-2020, Julia Rubin, Xaviea Brown, and Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: The Honorable Margaret H. Marshall: Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa 05-10-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Law School News: Tough Talk On Asylum 11/22/2019, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Will Sheehan '20 Selected for Prestigious Immigration Fellowship 06-17-2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Yelnosky Patio Dedicated 11/16/2020, Michael M. Bowden
Law School News: Your Latest Town Hall FAQ 04-22-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
Lawyers Weekly Newsmaker Reception : November 20, 2019, Roger Williams University School of Law and Michael M. Bowden
Legal Issues Affecting Blue Carbon Projects on Publicly-Owned Coastal Wetlands, Read Porter, Cody Katter, and Cory Lee
Legal Limits on Recreational Fishing Near Offshore Wind Facilities, Kaitlynn Webster and Read Porter
Legal Requirements for Equitable Design and Implementation of Flood Buyout Programs in Rhode Island, Sarah Friedman and Read Porter
Linking Space: a Transit Oriented Design, Jessica Vara
Maintenance of Water and Sewer Infrastructure in Response to Sea Level Rise in Massachusetts, Melissa Chalek
Mariano Rivera: Hemingway Hero, James M. Tackach
‘Measure to yourself a prophet’s place’: Biblical Heroines, Jewish Difference, and Victorian Women’s Poetry, Cynthia Scheinberg
Mello v. Killeavy, 205 A.3d 454 (R.I. 2019), Kaitlyn Alger
Model archive for analysis of the effects of impervious cover on receiving-water quality with the Stochastic Empirical Loading Dilution Model (SELDM): U.S. Geological Survey data release, Lillian C. Jeznach and Gregory E. Granato
Modeling Crude Oil Fate and Transport in Freshwater, Lillian C. Jeznach, Aarthi Mohan, John E. Tobiason, and David Reckhow
My Private Lead Service Line Replacement, Lillian C. Jeznach and Joseph E. Goodwill
New Homeland Security Asylum Rule Allows Removal to Central American Countries That Have Signed Agreements With the U.S., Peter Margulies
Paying for Law School: Law Student Loan Indebtedness and Career Choices, Christopher J. Ryan Jr.
Perceptions of just deserts in the context of type of offense, Kyle Gamache, Matt Zaitchik, and Judith Platania
Pokanoket: the First People of the East Bay, Bristol, Rhode Island, Students of Roger Williams University
Police Perceptions of Overdose Outreach Program Effectiveness, Laurie T. Becker
President Trump Bars Uninsured Immigrants From the U.S., Peter Margulies
Proactive modeling of water quality impacts of extreme precipitation events in a drinking water reservoir, Lillian C. Jeznach, Mark Hagemann, Mi-Hyun Park, and John E. Tobiason
Puerini v. LaPierre, 208 A.3d 1157 (R.I. 2019), Rachel E. Dunham
Raising the Meter in Rhode Island: A Better Approach to Rhode Island’s Net Metering Laws, Alyssa Lauren Lemire
Reading Psalms in Nineteenth-Century England: The Contact Zone of Jewish–Christian Scriptural Relations, Cynthia Scheinberg
Recasting "sympathy and judgment": Amy Levy, Women Poets, and the Victorian Dramatic Monologue, Cynthia Scheinberg
Regulation of Lobster Bait Alternatives in New England, Victoria Rosa and Read Porter
Rescinding Inclusion in the Administrative State: Adjudicating DACA, the Census, and the Military's Transgender Policy, Peter Margulies
Resolving the Circuit Split: Pleading Healthcare Fraud with Particularity, Tricia L. Forte
Responding to Nuisance Flooding of Coastal Highways: Options for Massachusetts Municipalities, Melissa Chalek
Review: Radical Poetics and Secular Jewish Culture by Stephen Paul Miller, Daniel Morris, Cynthia Scheinberg
Review: Romanticism/Judaica: A Convergence of Cultures (Sheila Spector, ed. Ashgate, 2011), Cynthia Scheinberg
Rhode Island American Federation of Teachers/Retired Local 8037 v. Johnston School Committee, 212 A.3d 156 (R.I. 2019), Rachel Ricci
Rhode Island Council on Postsecondary Education v.Hellenic Society Paideia – Rhode Island Chapter, 202 A.3d 931(R.I. 2019), Jeffery Rankel
Rhode Island Industrial-Recreational Building Authority v. Capco Endurance, LLC, 203 A.3d 494 (R.I. 2019), Kerri A. Schulz
Rhode Island Women's Bar Association & The History of Women Lawyers in Our State, Nicole P. Dyszlewski, Cassandra L. Feeney, and Gina Renzulli Lemay
Roger Williams University and City of East Providence Partner to Offer Discounted Tuition for Residents, Public Affairs, Roger Williams University
Roger Williams University School of Law Commencement, May 15, 2020, Bristol, Rhode Island, Roger Williams University School of Law
Rollingwood Acres, Inc. v. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, 212 A.3d 1198 (R.I. 2019), Tiffany L. Wallace
RWU Law News: The Newsletter of Roger Williams University School of Law 06-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law, Michael M. Bowden, and Katie Mulvaney
Saving the Space: How Free Speech Zones on College Campuses Advance Free Speech Values, Troy Lange
Sowing the seeds of Growth: a Study on Schenectady, NY’s Food Desert, Kelsey M. Ling
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
State v. Beauregard, 198 A.3d 1 (R.I. 2018), Jonathan Stark-Sachs
State v. Johnson, 199 A.3d 1046 (R.I. 2019), Lauren Bizier
State v. Mattatall, 219 A.3d 1288 (R.I. 2019), Alyssa L. Lemire
State v. Moten, 187 A.3d 1080 (R.I. 2018), Anna L. Kramer
State v. Roscoe, 198 A.3d 1232 (R.I. 2019), Philip Primeau
Striving Toward Equity: Alumni Launch First Alumni of Color Network at Roger Williams University, Jill Rodrigues
Summit Insurance Co. v. Stricklett, 199 A.3d 523 (R.I. 2019), Amanda LaRocca
Takings Liability and Coastal Management in Massachusetts, Melissa Chalek
Teaching across disciplines: a case study of a project-based short course to teach holistic coastal adaptation design, Pamela K. Judge, Jane A. Buxton, Thomas C. Sheahan, Eleanor R. Phetteplace, David L. Kriebel, and Elisabeth M. Hamin Infield
The 15th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Keynote Address 1-28-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law, Michael M. Bowden, and Andrea Hansen
"The beloved ideas made flesh": Daniel Deronda and Jewish Poetics, Cynthia Scheinberg
The Boundaries of Habeas: Due Process, the Suspension Clause, and Judicial Review of Expedited Removal under the Immigration and Nationality Act, Peter Margulies
The Development of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) Photosynthesis in Cotyledons of the C4 Species, Portulaca grandiflora (Portulacaceae), Lonnie J. Guralnick, Kate E. Gilbert, Diana Denio, and Nicholas Antico
The Full Swede: Revising Rhode Island’s Prostitution Law to Decriminalize the Selling of Sex While Still Criminalizing the Buying of Sex, Amanda LaRocca
The Hard, Simple Truth about Gun Control, Carl Bogus
The Hidden History of the Second Amendment, Carl Bogus
The Long and Winding Road: Pursuing Gender Equality in Rhode Island, Cassandra L. Feeney
The Major Questions Doctrine: How the Supreme Court’s Efforts to Rein in the Effects of Chevron Have Failed to Meet Expectations, Andrew Howayeck
The Old Bailment Doctrine: The Answer to Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence in the Digital Age, Shane Gallant
The Pro Bono Collaborative Project Spotlight: Can You Help? December 2020, Roger Williams University School of Law
The Walker, Glenna Andrade
Time Will Tell: An Interview with Boram Jeong, Christina Rawls and Boram Jeong
Time Will Tell: An Interview with Kristie Miller, Christina Rawls and Kristie Miller
Time Will Tell: An Interview with Thomas Nail, Christina Rawls and Thomas Nail
Time Will Tell: A Series on the Philosophy of Time, Nathan Eckstrand and Christina Rawls
Title IX & The Civil Rights Approach to Sexual Harassment in Education, Nancy Chi Cantalupo
Trojan v. Trojan, 208 A.3d 221 (R.I. 2019), Adam M. Harrington
Unfit for the Constitution: Nativism and the Constitution, From the Founding Fathers to Donald Trump, Jared Goldstein
Using Online Sharing and Editing Tools for Classroom Collaborative Learning in Multimedia Journalism Education, Russell S. Chun 6932423
Victorian poetry and religious diversity, Cynthia Scheinberg
Vol 25 Issue 1 (Winter 2020) Masthead
Vol 25: No 2. (Spring 2020) Masthead
Vol. 25: No. 3 (Summer 2020) Masthead
When Forum Selection Clauses Meet Choice of Law Clauses, Tanya Monestier
When the Going Gets Weird, The Weird Turn Pro*: Management Best Practices in the Age of Medicinal Marijuana, John I. Winn JD, LLM
"Where is My Attention?", Robin B. Levenson-Andrews
Whitaker v. State, 199 A.3d 1021 (R.I. 2019), Olivia Handy
Women In Law Leadership: Inaugural Lecture: A "Fireside Chat" with Gillian Lester 2-18-2020, Roger Williams University School of Law, Michael M. Bowden, and Andrea Hansen