The small, one-and-a-half-story house, built around 1710, with its stone central chimney and a gambrel roof, originally stood in Westport, Massachusetts. The Newport Restoration Foundation (NRF) purchased the house in 1977, disassembled it, and relocated it to William Street.
Coggeshall House 001: Exterior in Westport
Coggeshall House: Anne Baker's Notes
Coggeshall House 002: North Side with Ell
Coggeshall House 004: Exterior Before Dismantling
Coggeshall House 005: Exterior showing the West and East Split
Coggeshall House 035: Room B - Fireplace
Coggeshall House 040: Joists
Coggeshall House 060: Feathered Boards
Coggeshall House 075: Cellar Entry
Coggeshall House 090: Room B Window
Coggeshall House 095: South Side, Interior
Coggeshall House 105: Stairwell from Underside