Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce
Recent Developments in Evidence Law
Carolyn Shields, Tara Shaw, and Robert Birmingham
Evidence in Arbitration
Bruce A. McAllister and Amy Bloom
Taking Evidence at the Flood Tide: How to Obtain the Testimony of Departing, Departed and Unavailable Admiralty Witnesses
David T. Maloof and Barbara Sheridan
Judges Evaluate Seafarers as Eyewitnesses
David J. Sharpe
From the Courthouse in Tobago to the Internet: The Increasing Need to Prove Foreign Law in US Courts
Louise Ellen Teitz
Use of Expert Witnesses in Admiralty Proceedings
Paul M. Sterbcow
Demonstrative Evidence in Admiralty Proceedings
Michael J. McHale
Virtual Cross-Examination: The Art of Impeaching Hearsay
John G. Douglass
Should We Trust Juries with Admiralty Cases
George J. Koelzer
Juries Should Not Be Trusted to Decide Admiralty Cases
Gary T. Sacks and Neal W. Settergren
Daubert, Proof of a Prior, and the Soliton: Bernert Towboat Co. v. USS Chandler (DDG 996)
Robert Birmingham, Tara Shaw, and Carolyn Shields