Proceedings of the New York State Communication Association | Vol 2012 | Iss 1

Proceedings of the 70th New York State Communication Association

October 19-21, 2012 • Honor's Haven, Ellenville, NY

COMMUNICATION (OF) CHOICE AND CONSEQUENCE The study and practice of communication contains an inherently ethical dimension; choices we make in our communication have consequences, as do the ways we communicate about and reflect on these choices. This year’s conference theme is inspired by the significant changes in communication contexts over the past 70 years, and how new media conduct, change and complicate our decision-making in communication. In particular, this theme considers such questions as: what are the ethical implications of our communication choices? What consequences arise from our modes of representation? Whose communication choices are privileged? Whose are marginalized? How are interpersonal relationships and group dynamics fostered and maintained through our communication choices? These questions (and more) pose challenges to communication ethics and call for serious reflection on what it means to communicate with integrity. New York State seems a particularly fitting place to consider such questions, as it is the home of both major communications industries and renowned colleges and universities training the next generation of scholars and professionals.

Conference Papers

Great Ideas for Teaching Students (GIFTS)