Browse Journals
Aldebaran (Journals)
Aldebaran began publication in 1971 as an anthology of prose, poetry and art from students and faculty members of Roger Williams University (previously known as Roger Williams College) in Bristol, RI. Submissions from outside contributors were also included. Each volume was edited by various editors chosen by the board of the journal. More than 30 volumes of Aldebaran were published over the next two decades. Aldebaran ceased publication in 1994.

Calliope (Journals)
The literary magazine Calliope was first published in 1977. It was published through a Creative Writing course (CW200: Literary Magazine) at Roger Williams College. The students were responsible for all stages of preparation and publication, except printing. Works were submitted by established and emerging writers around the world. The journal was published twice a year until 1998. For more information, click on the "About this Journal" tab on the left.

Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce
ISSN 2162-4127
The Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce (JMLC), published under the auspices of the Marine Affairs Institute at Roger Williams University School of Law, is a scholarly publication devoted to all aspects of admiralty and maritime law.
Published since 1969, JMLC is the premier journal in the field of maritime law in the United States and one of the premier journals on the subject in the world. Courts and arbitrators — including the United States Supreme Court and foreign courts — have cited it over 450 times since its inception.
New and Dangerous Ideas (Journals)
New and Dangerous Ideas is an online magazine that lives in the Roger Williams University Intercultural Center. NaDI seeks to promote social justice by letting students share their ideas and experiences through art. We accept all forms of art/expression and publish the works we think fit the mission and quality we want for the magazine. Our audience is primarily the Roger Williams University community.
Journal Website
New England Science Public: Series Evolution (Journals)
ISSN 2326-0971
New England Science Public: Series Evolution (ISSN: 2326-0971) is published yearly by New England Science Public and the New England Center for The Public Understanding of Science at Roger Williams University. The Series publishes original, hypothesis-testing research articles, comprehensive reviews, current trends articles, conceptual viewpoints that challenge traditional scientific consensus and advance knowledge, and data and meta-data analytical studies in evolution and its directly related disciplines and sub disciplines (see About this Journal page for list of disciplines sponsored by the Series).

Proceedings of the New York State Communication Association (Journals)
The Proceedings of the New York State Communication Association publishes the Proceedings for the Convention of the New York State Communication Association. Papers are accepted to appear in the issue associated with the Convention in which they were presented. All papers, including those for the Undergraduate Student Papers, are blind peer-reviewed. Keynote addresses and GIFT panel submissions are not refereed.
Call for Papers
The Editor of the NYSCA Proceedings issues the following Call for Papers:
Research papers presented at the 82nd Annual Conference (2023) of the New York State Communication Association - Junctures - are being accepted for blind peer review for the conference Proceedings beginning immediately. We urge you to contribute your work. Submissions will be accepted until May 1, 2024.
Reason and Respect (Journals)
Roger Williams University Law Review (School of Law)
ISSN 1090-3968
The Roger Williams University Law Review is a journal of legal scholarship and commentary that is managed, edited and published by students of Roger Williams University School of Law. The Law Review publishes three issues each year. The Fall issue is devoted to topics of national interest. The Spring issue focuses on topics with a unique Rhode Island flavor, featuring a topical survey of Rhode Island law. The Law Review also publishes a third issue, the focus of which varies yearly. Committed to serving both a national and Rhode Island audience, the Law Review is distributed to law school libraries, government institutions, private law firms, and individual subscribers.