"FRBR: the future of the library catalog" by Mary J. Wu

FRBR: the future of the library catalog

Document Type


Publication Date

January 2005


Full text in Chines published in : Metadata and Library, 2005, pp 219-232 by Shanghai Science and Information Technology Publication


In 1998 the Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records from IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) released its final report of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). Since then cataloging experts as well as library system developers across the world have conducted numerous extensive researches in respect to the application of the FRBR model and its impact on bibliographic control and cataloging practices. The United States, in particular, and several European countries such as France, Italy, Denmark and Australia have recently experimented with FRBR in the creation of bibliographic database. FRBR Display Tool for Online Public Catalog has also been developed to test the model for its practical uses. Will FRBR ultimately resolve issues confronting the cataloging community, and therefore be adopted as an applicable model world wide? This article will introduce new developments in the application of the FRBR model. It is hoped that the article will inspire more discussion among Chinese cataloging colleagues with regard to the application of FRBR in Chinese cataloging.

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