"Movement Transparency" by Lauren Tamburrino

Document Type



Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Architecture degree.


Movement in architecture is an important aspect in creating a users experience. Dance, more specifically, is a way in which performers can express their own experiences and tell a story through the movement of their own bodies. This poses the question: in what ways can movement be implemented into the visitors experience? Architects such as Bernard Tschumi and Lawrence Halprin have used this concept of movement throughout their practice as a way to make a space flow and be the most comfortable for the user. Dancers can utilize their body to create aesthetic forms and are able to tell a story through their performance. In a similar way, architecture creates forms that allow users to feel a certain way within a space. Paired with transparency, there are many ways that connections between programs can be established and benefit the user. Movement and transparency together will allow for a cohesive space and exciting experience when visiting the Garden City Theater.

One’s experience within a space, especially a public space, is extremely important. When stepping foot into a space, there is emotion, feeling, observations, and interactions that take place, which determine how one’s experience is going to be altered. Design can make or break how visitors experience a space, their actions, and their comfort level. Interactions are an important part in design, so it is key to give considerate thought to entrances, thresholds, and how they relate. How we move throughout a space is what makes an experience so exciting, wondering what could possibly come next. Relating this type of experience to how dancers move and the anatomy of their bodies is a challenge that will create very interesting spaces and relationships throughout a building.

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