"Dissolving Boundaries: Revitalizing a forgotten neighborhood in Los An" by Dominic Cirillo

Document Type



Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Architecture degree.


Studying great American Cities and their development also gives us insight into the problems many cities have faced during industrialization and urban growth. Los Angeles, California is at the forefront of these issues caused by its age old paradigm of progression and innovation above all in order to reach prosperity. From Bulldozing entire historic districts to constructing over its former rail system in order to accommodate for its rapid growth (twice that of an average city). In this process of urbanizing, the city had almost forgotten about its community identity and neighborhoods. Urban sprawl has caused a weaker city center and many “mini” downtowns throughout the city. Data based freeway design did not consider the community of people living in the city and divided these communities and neighborhoods across the metropolitan area. This intervention seeks to combat these divided neighborhoods and use architecture as a multifaceted tool to revive this almost forgotten neighborhood.

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Architecture Commons
