"Homeless Rehabilitation Center at LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro, MA" by Reid Evan Ennis

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Architecture has the power to help alleviate problems in society. However, it is not enough to simply design and build a structure and assume the problem will be solved. The people who use the building must be committed to solving the problem and must actively use the building to the full potential it was designed for. Homelessness is, without a doubt, one of the most important and obstinate social issues of our time. There are many continuing attempts to end homelessness which have been met with varying degrees of success. I feel it is critical to promote dignity and self-worth for the underprivileged, while they are encouraged to create a better life for themselves. It will never be enough to simply ignore a problem, or conversely, to blindly throw money it without a thought out strategy. My Proposal will help to alleviate some of the suffering endured by some people who have had very difficult lives.

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