Submissions from 2009
Bridging the Gap: a Symbiotic Approach, Nicholas Czarniecki
Strabismal Existence, Jordan Dubreuil
Allston Artist Village, Meaghan Earner
The Right Ascension Children's Center: Orphaned Refugee Rehabilitation, Newton, MA, Jonathan Fox
Movement Architecture: an Investigation into the Manipulation of Movement through Form and Space, Rachel Hampton
Mother Building: Communal Architecture Incubator, Richmond Downey Jeffrey
Reuniting a Community: the Stephen Kaplanis YMCA, Michael R. Kozlowski
Dignified Housing: a Community in North Conway, New Hampshire, Christian Lanciaux
National Culture and Entertainment Center: Iconographic Architecture, Hung Quoc Le
Learning Through Nature: Mount Holyoke Environmental Research and Education Center, Sari M. Lipnick
Volvo Museum of Automotive History: Boston Massachusetts, C. Patrick McCabe
Center for the Creation and Performance of the Arts, Dennis P. McGowan
Vertical Communities: an Alternative to Suburban Sprawl, Zev O’Brien-Gould
Adaptive Reuse of the Big Box Store, Mark C. Roderick
Re-conceptualizing Performance and Event in the Public Realm: a Multicultural Funeral Home, Ashley Rodrigues
Awakening Experience: Amish Youth and the Search for a Modern Identity, Nicole Secinaro
Fort Point Channel: Maglev Transit Hub and South Station Expansion Master Plan, Steven Seminelli
Social Rejuvenation: A New Community Center, Lancaster, PA, John Snavely
Newport Aquarium Oceanic Research and Discovery Center: to Further Our Knowledge of the Ocean, Steven R. Toohey
Living in the Spectrum: Autistic Children Center, Jennifer Villegas
Redefining Branding in Architecture: Case Study, Westside Railyards Development New York City, USA, Andrew Vuono
Submissions from 2008
Revitalizing Liberty: Creating a Train Station—Community Center—Business Incubator, Magan M. Baxter
Pushing the Green Envelope: Education & Research Center for Sustainability, Emma Fischer
Empathetic Design: Transitional Shelter, Anne Marie Loiselle
Community Wellness Center: Providence, Rhode Islan, Eva Marie Mercurio
Reconnecting Schools and Neighborhoods: A proposal for School Centered Community Revitalization in Baltimore Maryland, Cody Miller
A Model School in Massachusetts: Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade, Robin Nichols
Submissions from 2007
Envoking the emotions through the experience of space; integration of an outreach community center and the First United Methodist Church of Hightstown, Elizabeth Dicecco
Reconnecting society: a home for elderly living, Cheryl Downie
A puzzle piece epidemic, Nicole Gerard
Taunton Weir renovation project, Jessica Lynn Harwood
Living in transition, Dustin Lombardi
The fittingness of fitness: the movement of architecture at a human scale: a reinvention of the typical workplace, Emily Parris
The rising cemetery project, Gregory Ralph
Finding leisure within choas: the Atlanta Highway Resort, David Strumski