"Broad Street Business Inventory" by Michelle Abramowitz, Kelsie Foley et al.

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Students from the the CPC worked with Community Partner SWAP in Providence to update and expand their inventory of businesses on Broad Street. Broad Street is the north‐south thoroughfare that links Elmwood and South Providence, while providing commercial, employment, entertainment religious and other opportunities for area residents.


Over previous year, SWAP had compiled an impressive inventory of existing businesses on Broad Street. In addition, partner organizations such as the City and Community Works had other sets of information. The first step in an update was to have a team of RWU students update and expand the inventory. As they did this, they also undertake community research, identification of key issues on the street under the direction of SWAP’s professional staff. This more complete inventory can be the basis to identify key segments of the business community (restaurants, communication, clubs, retail, auto repair, etc.).

Included in

Business Commons
