Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce
April 1999 - SECOND NEWPORT SYMPOSIUM "Sunken Treasure: Law, Technology, and Ethics"
Editor's Note
Robert M. Jarvis
The Abandoned Shipwreck Act through the Eyes of Its Drafter
Anne G. Giesecke
Technology and the Search for Shipwrecks
Roderick Mather
The United States Supreme Court and Treasure Salvage: Issues Remaining after Brother Jonathan
John Paul Jones
Canadian Treasure: Law and Lore
Steven R. Yormak
A Marine Archaeologist Looks at Treasure Salvage
D. K. Abbass
A Sovereign's Perspective on Treasure Salvage
Philip A. Berns
The Titanic Revisited
James A. R. Nafziger
The UNESCO Draft Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage: A Critique and Counter-Proposal
David J. Bederman