Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce
October 2012
Likelihood of U.S. Becoming a Party to the Law of the Sea Convention during the 112th Congress
Yann-Huei Song and N. Elias Blood-Patterson
Critical Review of the Consolidated Maritime Labour Convention (2006) of the International Labour Organization: Limitations and Perspectives
Iliana Christodoulou-Varotsi
The Athens Convention Revisited
Robert D. Peltz
Arctic Shipping: Future Polar Express Seaways: Shipowners' Opinion
Sebastien Pelletier and Frederic Lasserre
Warranty and the Pay-to-Be-Paid Rule in Korea
In Hyeon Kim
Demosthenes and the Origins of the Maritime Lien
Alexander McCabe
Book Review
Book Review: Laytime and Demurrage.
Michael Marks Cohen