Submissions from 2021
Understanding the North Atlantic Right Whale Litigation, Gabrielle Benjamin and Read Porter
Potential for Unseaworthiness Claims Based on COVID-19 Transmission, Blaine Payer and Read Porter
Submissions from 2020
Legal Requirements for Equitable Design and Implementation of Flood Buyout Programs in Rhode Island, Sarah Friedman and Read Porter
Legal Issues Affecting Blue Carbon Projects on Publicly-Owned Coastal Wetlands, Read Porter, Cody Katter, and Cory Lee
Regulation of Lobster Bait Alternatives in New England, Victoria Rosa and Read Porter
Authority for Municipal Resilient Road Infrastructure Funding Strategies in Rhode Island, Jimmy Smith and Read Porter
Legal Limits on Recreational Fishing Near Offshore Wind Facilities, Kaitlynn Webster and Read Porter
Submissions from 2019
Proposed State Offshore Oil & Gas Legislation and Resolutions: 2017-18, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law and Megan Betts
Comparative Analysis of State Regulation of Direct-to-Market Sales of Finfish, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law and James Philopena Jr.
Takings Implications of Offshore Wind Energy Development, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law; Jourdan Thompson; and Read Porter
Municipal Options to Address Nuisance Flooding of Coastal Highways in Rhode Island, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law; Olivia Thompson; and Read Porter
Legal Implications of "Organic" Seafood Labeling Based on Foreign Standards, Read Porter and Kathryn Kulaga
Climate Change and Dam Owner Liability in Rhode Island, Read Porter, James Philopena Jr., and Cory Lee
Submissions from 2018
Case Brief: First Circuit Clarifies Public Vessel Status Under the Oil Pollution Act, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law and Mark Hartmann
Overcoming Impediments to Shellfish Aquaculture: Access to Public Boat Launches, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law; Mitchell Ramic; and Read Porter
Selling Fish to Restaurants and the Public: A Fisher's Guide, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law and Brynae Riggins
Legal Influences on Shellfish Aquaculture Nursery Facility Siting in Rhode Island, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law; Jordan Viana; Joseph Bingaman; and Read Porter
Responding to Nuisance Flooding of Coastal Highways: Options for Municipalities, Olivia Thompson; Joseph Bingaman; and Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law
Submissions from 2017
Migratory Bird Conservation and Shellfish Aquaculture in Rhode Island: Legal Issues, Nicole Andrescavage
Funding Options for End-of-life Stewardship of Fiberglass Boats, Austyn Carolin
Evasion of Foreign Taxes for Wildlife Exports as a Violation of the Lacey Act, Audrey Elzerman
Flood and Erosion Control Structures (Climate Adaptation Academy Fact Sheet #4), Audrey Elzerman
Governmental Tort Liability for Disclosure of Flood Hazard Information (Legal Fact Sheet CTSG-17-04), Audrey Elzerman
Property and Permitting Boundaries at the Shoreline (Legal Fact Sheet: CTSG-17-03), Audrey Elzerman
Takings and Coastal Management (Legal Fact Sheet: CTSG-17-02), Audrey Elzerman
Consideration for UNOLS treatment of ORVs as Public Vessels, Mark Hartmann
Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation Mechanisms in Fisheries Management Laws and Regulations, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law; Logan Pearce; and Joseph Bingaman
Preventing Fishing Gear Loss from Vessel Interactions in New England, Rhode Island Sea Grant Law Fellow Program, Marine Affairs Institute (MAI), Roger Williams University School of Law and Jamison Jedziniak
Status of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet as Public Vessels under U.S. and International Law, Rhode Island Sea Grant Law Fellow Program, Marine Affairs Institute (MAI), Roger Williams University School of Law; Erika Wheat; and Mark Hartmann
Legal Context for Construction of Bristol Veterans' Home Universally-Accessible Fishing Pier, Jourdan Thompson
Common Law Jurisprudence on Public Vessel Status in the United States: Annotated Cases, Erika Wheat
Submissions from 2016
Climate Change Impacts on Municipal Negligence Liability in Rhode Island, Manta Dircks
Takings Liability and Coastal Management in Rhode Island, Manta Dircks
Considerations for Co-location of Aquaculture and Ocean Energy Facilities, Clare M. Harmon
Municipal Regulation of Shellfish Sale by Fishers to the Public in Rhode Island, Clare M. Harmon
Regional Framework for Coastal Resilience in Southern Connecticut: Legal, Policy, and Regulatory Assessment, Marine Affairs Institute (MAI), Roger Williams University School of Law
Submissions from 2013
Navigating Complex State and Federal Fisheries Jurisdictions, Thomas Bennett
Burdens on Public Access, Elizabeth Blank
Public Access: A Case Study, Elizabeth Blank
Litigate or Innovate? US Shipping in [the] 21st Century, Steve Overturf
Submissions from 2012
The Implications of Rolling Easements and Transferred Development Rights in New Hampshire and Rhode Island, Kaitlyn E. Cox
Legal Barriers and Opportunities to Developing Business Partnerships Between Fisheries and Tourism, Scott R. Gunst Jr.
Current Resiliency Projects and Potential Partnership Opportunities, Greg Hoffman
State and Local Responses to Climate Change through Hazard Adaptation Measures: White Paper Synthesizing Innovative State and Local Climate Change Adaptation Strategies, Marine Affairs Institute, Roger Williams University School of Law
Newport Harborwalk Public Access Issues, Nicholas Paine
Shifting Seas: The Law's Response to Changing Ocean Conditions, Casey Schickling
An Overview of Online Resources for Climate Adaptation Policies Relating to New England Regional, State and Local Municipalities, Nels Schnobrich
UNOLS Vessels and U.S. Exports Regulations: Seeking a Coherent Solution, Sea Grant Law Fellows
Opening Block Island Sound Transit Zone to Striped Bass Recreational Fishing, Casey Shickling
The Implications of Rolling Easements and Transferred Development Rights in Maine, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, Katie Zilgme
Submissions from 2011
Newport's Mooring Regulations: Legal and Policy Analysis, Jenna Algee
Federal and State Laws Regarding the Implementation of Land Based Wind Power Development in Rhode Island, Brandon Biggs
Legal Considerations for Possible Noise Ordinances for Newport Harbor, Kristen Bonjour
Offshore Wind Development on the Eastern United States Coast and its Impacts on Commercial Fishing, Kristen Bonjour
Massachusetts Town Bylaws as They Relate to Restricting or Conditioning Human Activities in and around Eelgrass Beds, Benjamin J. Goetsch
Legal Considerations Relating to the Development of Hydroelectric Facilities within Rhode Island, Scott R. Gunst Jr.
The Use of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act as a Tool for the Enhanced Preservation of Marine Resources under the New National Oceans Policy, Colin F. Lynch
Blowout: The Legal Legacy of the Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe. Background Document on Natural Resource Damages, Nicholas Paine
Utilizing Rhode Island's Landfills and Brownfields for Solar Energy Development, Sarah Parker
Examination of the Federal Consistency Provision of the Coastal Zone Management Act in Rhode Island, William Yost
Submissions from 2010
Port Development Labor Issues, Alastair Deans
Coastal Preservation and Transferred Development Rights, Kate Kramer
Taking Stock: The Magnuson-Stevens Act Revisited. Background Materials on the MSA, Jacqueline Rolleri
Submissions from 2009
An Overview of the Procedures Applicable to Marine Construction and Dredging Processes, Kirby Aarsheim
The Potential of Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) within the Offshore Renewable Energy Industry, Alastair Deans
Attorney General's Authority to Defend Conservation Easements, Brian Eisenhower
Submissions from 2008
The Legal Implications of Establishing a Pilot Cooperative Sector in the Fluke Fishery of Rhode Island, Kathleen M. Haber
Tidelands: Analysis of Southeastern Massachusetts Municipal Bylaws, Heath Hixson
Conservation of Submerged Lands in Rhode Island, Alicia Schaffner
Court Denies Regulatory Taking in Designated Port Area, Alicia Schaffner
Court Grants Stay of Injunction in Navy Sonar Case, Alicia Schaffner
National Security vs. Whales: The Navy and the Natural Resources Defense Counsel Battle Their Way to the Supreme Court, Alicia Schaffner
No Sanctions for Vessel Carrying Shark Fins, Alicia Schaffner
Ninth Circuit Grants Partial Reprieve to California Sea Lions, Alicia Schaffner and Stephanie Showalter
Submissions from 2007
Lateral Access to the Rhode Island Shore: Introductory Report, Amanda Argentieri
U.S. Cabotage Laws and Offshore Energy Projects, Brian Eisenhower
First Circuit Interprets Rapanos to Determine Which Test to Apply, Jonathan Lew
Old Harbor Land Dispute, Jonathan Lew
Ballast Water and Invasive Species in the Northeast: The Current Situation and Policy Recommendations, Jennifer Mehaffey J.D.
Working Waterfronts in RI, Tom Murphy
Requirements for Evaluating the Performance of Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ): A Legal Analysis, Tory Randall
Submissions from 2006
Acquidneck Island: Citizen's Guide to Land Use Planning, Lisa LaBelle
Florida Court Limits Rule to Red Grouper, Jonathan Lew
Ninth Circuit Upholds the Corps' Adjacency Jurisdiction Over Wetlands, Jonathan Lew
When is a Wetland Not a Wetland, Jonathan Lew
Sea Grant Law Fellow Marks International Maritime Court "First", Tory Randall
Alabama Court Allows Taxpayer to Challenge Ruling, Benjamin Spruill
Court Preserves Public Access to Newport's Historic Waterfront, Benjamin Spruill
Submissions from 2005
Court Grants No Leniency for Maritime Lien Claim,, Jonathan Lew
D.C. Circuit: Nationwide Permits are "Final Action", Jonathan Lew
Rhode Island Court Resolves Palazzolo, Jonathan Lew
Court Defers to Corps' Final Findings in Terminal Project, Benjamin Spruill
Federal Maritime Jurisdiction Pushes Inland,, Benjamin Spruill
Makah Tribe Entitled to Percentage of Pacific Whiting Harvest, Lance Young
Submissions from 2004
Forest Service Must Reevaluate Spotted Owl Decision, Terry Boardman
Framework Adjustment 14 Does Not Violate Magnuson-Stevens Act, Terry Boardman
New Lobster Regulations Do Not Violate Atlantic Coastal Act,, Terry Boardman
Federal Circuit Reverses $37 Million Award to Fishing Vessel, Lance Young
Ninth Circuit Affirms Water Use Restriction to Protect Fish, Lance Young