"Finding Common Ground: Smart Growth and Affordable Housing in Rhode Is" by Edgar Adams, Brian Boisvert et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Presented at: ESRI User Conference, June 2014.


This presentation is a demonstration of the use of ESRI's Weighted Overlay tool as a means of measuring smart growth potential of undeveloped and performance developed land within the state of Rhode Island. This exercise was undertaken in order to better understand the potential for conflicts between the State's Growth Center initiative and its fair share Affordable (LMI) Housing goals. GIS has frequently been used to identify environmentally sensitive lands, but can also be used to measure the lands suitability for development based on clearly articulated smart growth goals and criteria. These goals are in alignment with best practices for the location of LMI housing; however, development in historic town centers in more rural communities can be extremely challenging.

