"Improving special education teacher candidate collaboration with famil" by Adam Moore

Improving special education teacher candidate collaboration with families through mentorship

Document Type

Book Chapter


Published in: Mentoring in Formal and Informal Contexts, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2016.


Mentoring in Formal and Informal Contexts is a collection of invited works on mentoring in the many contexts in which it exists. Working with AHEA, the editors identified authors that have demonstrated experience and/or have published in this area. The book is arranged thematically (health care, education, the workplace, etc.) and further subthemed as appropriate. Mentoring in Formal and Informal Contexts is important because it fills a unique niche in the field of adult education, extends the scope of AHEA to a larger audience, and offers a current volume for scholars and practitioners based on both research and practicebased research. The audience: This collection is appropriate for a wide variety of professors, researchers, practitioners, and students in the field of adult education.

