Mott House
Adam Mott was one of the first founders of Newport and Portsmouth in 1634. Built around 1680 by Adam's son, Jacob, the house was located on a 100-acre tract of land on West Main, Portsmouth, on the south side of Cory's Lane. It is one of Rhode Island's earliest houses. Baker and her team dismantled the house in 1973, planning to re-assemble it. Unfortunately, the wood decayed and crumbled while in storage.
Mott House 179: Room G, F Wall
Mott House 181: Sheathing with Pegs
Mott House 182: Room L, North Wall
Mott House 185: Room L, North Wall
Mott House 186: Room L Clapboards
Mott House 188: Room L, East Wall
Mott House 189: Room L, Northeast Corner
Mott House 190: Hearth Support
Mott House 191: Baker Finding glass
Mott House 193: Room Q, South Wall Clapboards
Mott House 194: Room P Stairway
Mott House 197: Room N, Fireplace
Mott House 198: Room N, Fireplace Paint
Mott House 200: "Pete" Baker and Steve Tyson
Mott House 202: Dismantling, East North View
Mott House 203: Dismantling, East North View
Mott House 205: Dismantling, North End
Mott House 206: Dismantling and Fireplace
Mott House 208: East, North End
Mott House 211: Dismantling East - North End
Mott House 213: South East End
Mott House 214: Dismantling Project, 1973
Mott House 222: Dismantling, Room L, Summer Beam
Mott House 223: Dismantling South End
Mott House 224: Dismantling South End
Mott House 225: Dismantling - East view
Mott House 227: Dismantling moving Timbers
Mott House 228: Foundation under First Floor
Mott House 230: Dismantling Room A
Mott House 231: Dismantling Second Floor
Mott House 233: Dismantling Room N, Second Floor
Mott House 234: Dismantling Crew
Mott House 236: Searching for Artifacts