Submissions from 2004
Another of Roger William's Gifts: Women's Right to Liberty of Conscience: Joshua Verin v. Providence Plantations, Edward J. Eberle
Cross Burning, Hate Speech, and Free Speech in America, Edward J. Eberle
Free Exercise of Religion in Germany and the United States, Edward J. Eberle
Lawrence v. Texas: Evolution of Constitutional Doctrine, Diana Hassel
The Right to Counsel in Criminal Cases: The Law and the Reality in Rhode Island District Court, Andrew Horwitz
The Useful, Dangerous Fiction of Grand Jury Independence, Niki Kuckes
North Carolina Torts, David A. Logan
Reflections on the Tenth Anniversary: Looking Back and Looking Ahead, David A. Logan
Judging Terror in the "Zone of Twilight" Exigency, Institutional Equity, and Procedure After September 11, Peter Margulies
Comparison to Criminal Sanctions in the Constitutional Review of Punitive Damages, Colleen P. Murphy
Comparison to Criminal Sanctions in the Constitutional Review of Punitive Damages, Colleen P. Murphy
The "Bedbug" Case and State Farm v. Campbell, Colleen P. Murphy
The Use of Prior Convictions after Apprendi, Colleen P. Murphy
Justice in Rhode Island: Edson Toro and Procedural Default, Larry J. Ritchie
Reflections on the Tenth Anniversary: Reflections on the Founding, Anthony J. Santoro
Both Sides of the Coin: A Decade of Parallel Proceedings and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Transnational Litigation, Louise Ellen Teitz
Researching the Laws of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Gail I. Winson
Ten Years (or so) After Gilmer: Arbitration of Employment Law Claims Under the Federal Arbitration Act and the Role of Rhode Island Law, Michael J. Yelnosky
Shouting into the Wind: District Court Judges and Federal Sentencing Policy, David M. Zlotnick
Submissions from 2003
Delusions of Grand Juries, Niki Kuckes
Submissions from 2002
Dignity and Liberty: Constitutional Visions in Germany and the United States, Edward J. Eberle
Uncertain Arrivals: Immigration, Terror, and Democracy After September 11, Peter Margulies
Protecting the Public without Protectionism: Access, Competence and Pro Hac Vice Admission to the Practice of Law, Peter S. Margulies
Misclassifying Monetary Restitution, Colleen P. Murphy
Reviewing Congressionally Created Remedies for Excessiveness, Colleen P. Murphy
Submissions from 2001
Why Lawsuits are Good for America: Disciplined Democracy, Big Business, and the Common Law, Carl T. Bogus
Chief Justice Joseph R. Weisberger's Page of History, Bruce I. Kogan and Cheryl L. Robertson
Submissions from 2000
History and Politics of Second Amendment Scholarship: a Primer, Carl T. Bogus
Rational Actors or Rational Fools - The Implications of Psychology for Products Liability: Introduction, Carl T. Bogus
Coercion, Pop-Psychology, and Judicial Moralizing: Some Proposals for Curbing Judicial Abuse of Probation Conditions, Andrew Horwitz
Democratic Transitions and the Future of Asylum Law, Peter Margulies
Judgement as a Matter of Law on Punitive Damages, Colleen P. Murphy
Submissions from 1999
Roger Williams's Gift: Religious Freedom in America, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1998
The Hidden History of the Second Amendment, Carl Bogus
Separation of Powers in State Constitutional Law - Introduction, Carl T. Bogus
Taking the Cop out of Copping a Plea: Eradicating Police Prosecution of Criminal Cases, Andrew Horwitz
Whither Weber?, Michael J. Yelnosky
Board of Education v. Taxman: The Unpublished Opinions- Introduction, Michael J. Yelnosky and Ann C. McGinley
Submissions from 1997
Human Dignity, Privacy, and Personality in German and American Constitutional Law, Edward J. Eberle
Public Discourse in Contemporary Germany, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1996
Transnational Litigation, Louise Ellen Teitz
Rhode Island's Judicial Nominating Commission: Can Reform Become Reality?, Michael J. Yelnosky
Submissions from 1995
Sexual Psychopath Legislation: Is There Anywhere to Go but Backwards?, Andrew Horwitz
Progressive Lawyering and Lost Traditions, Peter Margulies
Submissions from 1994
Hate Speech, Offensive Speech, and Public Discourse in America, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1993
Three Foundations of Legal Ethics: Autonomy, Community, and Morality, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1992
Practical Reason: the Commercial Speech Paradigm, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1989
Toward Moral Responsibility in Lawyering: Further Thoughts on the Deontological Model of Legal Ethics, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1987
Procedural Due Process: the Original Understanding, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1984
The West German Administrative Procedure Act: A Study in Administrative Decision Making, Edward J. Eberle
Submissions from 1983
Prior Restraint of Expression Through the Private Search Doctrine, Edward J. Eberle