Submissions from 2024
Loot Boxes May Exploit Gamers, but Their Sale Does Not Constitute Unlawful Gambling, John J. Chung
Findings of research studies on reading comprehension between digital and print formats: Implications for the NextGen Bar Exam, Lindsay E. Koso
From Andy Warhol to Barbie: Copyright’s Fair Use Doctrine After Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith, Niki Kuckes
Borderline Ambiguity: Major Questions and Immigration Law, Peter Margulies
Removing Statistical Discrimination in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Compensation in Rhode Island Wrongful Death Compensation in Rhode, Colleen P. Murphy
Students for Fair Admissions Sends Us Bakke to the Drawing Board for Race- Conscious Affiffirmative Action in Higher Education, Monica Teixeira de Sousa
Racial Preferences in Employment After Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, Michael Yelnosky
Submissions from 2023
Why Indiana Harbor is the Worst Torts Decision in American History, Carl T. Bogus
Introduction for Roger Williams University Law Review, Symposium Issue, 2023-24, Gregory W. Bowman
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Social Justice in the Curriculum, in the Classroom, and in the Courtroom, Nicole Dyszlewski and Diana Hassel
ABA-Mandated Instruction on Racism and Recent State Legislation Banning Such Instruction in University Classrooms: “Jim Crow” Redux, Bernard K. Freamon
Benchmarks for Reducing Civilian Harm in Armed Conflict: Learning Feasible Lessons About Systemic Change, Peter Margulies
Tying Parallel Proceedings to Judgment Recognition: Harmonizing Cross-Border Dispute Resolution, Louise Ellen Teitz
Submissions from 2022
Another Look at the Concept of Nation-State Borders in the Time of COVID and Ukraine, John J. Chung
Helping Self-Represented Litigants Isn’t Charity Work, It’s A Professional Obligation, Suzanne Harrington-Steppen and Eliza Vorenberg
Submissions from 2021
Is This a Christian Nation? An Introduction, Carl T. Bogus
Rethinking the Role of NGOs in an Era of Extreme Wealth Inequality: The Example of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, John J. Chung
Hernandez v. Mesa: A Catalyst for Change?, Diana Hassel
Biden’s Border Problem, and How to Fix It, Peter Margulies
EU Privacy Law and U.S. Surveillance: Solving the Problem of Transatlantic Data Transfers, Peter Margulies
Ninth Circuit Says President Trump Can Ban Immigrants Without "Approved" Health Insurance, Peter Margulies
Searching for Accountability Under FISA: Internal Separation of Powers and Surveillance Law, Peter Margulies
Submissions from 2020
Boldly Marching Through Closed Doors: The Experiences of the Earliest Female Attorneys in Their Own Words, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
History of the First Women Project, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
In West Philadelphia Born and Raised or Moving to Bel-Air? Racial Steering as a Consequence of Using Race Data on Real Estate Websites, Nadiyah J. Humber
Fair Housing Enforcement in the Age of Digital Advertising: A Closer Look at Facebook’s Marketing Algorithms, Nadiyah J. Humber and James Matthews
Rescuing Our Democracy by Rethinking New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, David A. Logan
Asylum Ruling Halts Restrictions in New Rule, Peter Margulies
Asylum Update: Ninth Circuit Deals Two Defeats to the Trump Administration, Peter Margulies
Asylum Update: Ninth Circuit Upholds Injunction Against Third Country Rule, Peter Margulies
Federal Court Halts Trump’s Ban on Nonimmigrant Visas, Peter Margulies
Immigration Update: Ninth Circuit Rules Against Trump Ban on Uninsured, Peter Margulies
The Boundaries of Habeas: Due Process, the Suspension Clause, and Judicial Review of Expedited Removal under the Immigration and Nationality Act, Peter Margulies
The Libertarian Case for Immigration (and Against Trump), Peter Margulies
The Supreme Court Rules That Trump’s DACA Rescission Doesn’t Pass Muster, Peter Margulies
Trump’s Coronavirus Immigration Order Is a Restriction in Search of a Rationale, Peter Margulies
Paying for Law School: Law Student Loan Indebtedness and Career Choices, Christopher J. Ryan Jr.
Submissions from 2019
Books and Olive Oil: Why Antitrust Must Deal with Consolidated Corporate Power, Carl Bogus
The Hard, Simple Truth about Gun Control, Carl Bogus
The Effect of Oral Statements on the Making of the City of Providence's Municipal Contracts, John J. Chung
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo, Nicole P. Dyszlewski
Rhode Island Women's Bar Association & The History of Women Lawyers in Our State, Nicole P. Dyszlewski, Cassandra L. Feeney, and Gina Renzulli Lemay
Learning From Millennials in the Legal Workspace, Nicole P. Dyszlewski and Suzanne Harrington-Steppen
Digital Realty Trust v. Somers: Whistleblowers and Corporate Retaliation, Susan B. Heyman
Asylum Update: Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Can Continue, the Ninth Circuit Rules, Peter Margulies
Court Issues Preliminary Injunction Against President Trump’s Ban on Uninsured Immigrants, Peter Margulies
East Bay District Court Enjoins New Asylum Rule, Peter Margulies
Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Against Proclamation Barring Uninsured Immigrants, Peter Margulies
Justice Department Inspector General’s Report Raises Troubling Questions About FBI’s Role in FISA Cases, Peter Margulies
Legal Dilemmas Facing White HOuse Counsel int he Trump Administration: The Costs of Public Disclosure of FISA Requests, Peter Margulies
New Asylum Limits: A Balancing Act for the Homeland Security Secretary, Peter Margulies
New Homeland Security Asylum Rule Allows Removal to Central American Countries That Have Signed Agreements With the U.S., Peter Margulies
Ninth Circuit Stays Part of Injunction Against Third Country Asylum Rule, Peter Margulies
President Trump Bars Uninsured Immigrants From the U.S., Peter Margulies
Rescinding Inclusion in the Administrative State: Adjudicating DACA, the Census, and the Military's Transgender Policy, Peter Margulies
Supreme Court Reinforces Mandatory Detention of Immigrants, Peter Margulies
Supreme Court Stays Asylum Injunction: Signal on the Merits or Procedural Snag?, Peter Margulies
The Administration's New Asylum Rule Exceeds Statutory Authority, Peter Margulies
The DACA Case: Agencies’ “Square Corners” and Reliance Interests in Immigration Law, Peter Margulies
The Role of Deference in Adjudicating the Military Transgender Policy, DACA and the Census, Peter Margulies
The Travel Ban Decision, Administrative Law, Peter Margulies
What Ending the Flores Agreement on Detention of Immigrant Children Really Means, Peter Margulies
Framing Israel: The U.N. Commission of Inquiry on the Spring 2018 Gaza Border Confrontations, Peter Margulies and Geoffrey S. Corn
When Forum Selection Clauses Meet Choice of Law Clauses, Tanya Monestier
Another Hague Judgements Convention? Bucking the Past to Provide for the Future, Louise Ellen Teitz
Labor Law Illiteracy: Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis and Janus v. AFSCME, Michael Yelnosky
Submissions from 2018
Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, and Market Failure, John J. Chung
Nation-States and Their Operations in Planting of Malware in Other Countries: Is It Legal Under International Law, John J. Chung
Use of Force at the Gaza Border: A Hybrid Approach to Tactical Challenges, Geoffrey Corn and Peter Margulies
The Klan's Constitution, Jared Goldstein
Unfit for the Constitution: Nativism and the Constitution, From the Founding Fathers to Donald Trump, Jared Goldstein
Sky Is the Limit: Protecting Unaccompanied Minors by Not Subjecting Them to Numerical Limitations, Deborah Gonzalez
U.S. Supreme Court Surveys: 2016 Term. Murr. v. Wisconsin: Identifying the Proper "Parcel as a Whole" in Regulatory Takings Cases, Bruce I. Kogan
U.S. Supreme Court Surveys: 2016 Term. Matal v. Tam: Free Speech Meets "Disparaging" Trademarks in the Supreme Court, Niki Kuckes
Asylum Ban Litigation: Supreme Court Declines to Stay Injunction, Peter Margulies
At Oral Argument, Supreme Court Weighs Immigrant Detention, Peter Margulies
Bans, Borders, and Sovereignty: Judicial Review of Immigration Law in the Trump Administration, Peter Margulies
Barring Asylum Claims: The President Versus the Statute, Peter Margulies
Curbing Remedies for Official Wrongs: The Need for Bivens Suits in National Security Cases, Peter Margulies
Deconstructing Sanctuary Cities: The Legality of Federal Grant Conditions That Require State and Local Cooperation on Immigration Enforcement, Peter Margulies
Kavanaugh and the Military Commissions: Reading the Law “As Written” for an Unpopular Defendant, Peter Margulies
Litigation Over the Asylum Ban Continues: District Court Grants Preliminary Injunction, Peter Margulies
The Inspector General on the FBI in Fall 2016: How a Fateful Delay Set the Stage for the Ultimate October Surprise, Peter Margulies
The Ninth Circuit’s Asylum Ban Ruling is a Message to Trump, Peter Margulies
The Temporary Restraining Order Against Trump’s Asylum Ban: Statutory Structure and Agency Discretion, Peter Margulies
The Travel Ban and Presidential Power, Peter Margulies
The Travel Ban at the Supreme Court: Deference Seems to Prevail, Peter Margulies
Travel Ban Update: Fourth Circuit Affirms Injunction as Supreme Court Awaits Argument, Peter Margulies
Travel Ban Update: Supreme Court Grants Certiorari, Peter Margulies
Trump’s Travel Ban at the Supreme Court: Deference Joined by Nudges Toward Civility, Peter Margulies
The IDF MAG’s Gaza Report and Its Critics: Context, Compliance, and Credibility, Peter Margulies and Geoffrey Corn
Forum Selection Clauses and Consumer Contracts in Canada, Tanya Monestier
Treason and Terror: A Toxic Brew, B. Mitchell Simpson III
Submissions from 2017
Wealth Inequality as Explained by Quantitative Easing and Law's Inertia, John J. Chung
How the Constitution Become Christian, Jared Goldstein
A Legal and Policy Analysis of Driver's Licenses for Undocumented Rhode Islanders, Deborah Gonzalez and Peter Margulies
Attaching Domestic Assets to Remedy High Seas Pollution: Rule B and Marine Debris, Jonathan M. Gutoff