Vol. 6: No. 1 (Fall 2000) - Symposium: Rational Actors or Rational Fools? The Implications of Psychology for Products Liability
Notes and Comments
Who's Primarily to Blame? The Quest for the Better Test of Section 10(b) Liability
Russell P. Marsella
Symposium: Rational Actors or Rational Fools? The Implications of Psychology for Products Liability: Introduction
Carl T. Bogus
The Disappearing Consumer, Cognitive Bias and Tort Law
Martha Chamallas
Which Came First, The Irrational Consumer or The Irrational Corporation?
Angelo DeNisi and Raed Elaydi
Need to Know: Analytical and Psychological Criteria
Baruch Fischhoff
Rational Actors and Rational Fools: The Influence of Affect on Judgment and Decision-Making
Paul Slovic
Product-Related Risk and Cognitive Biases: The Shortcomings of Enterprise Liability
James A. Henderson Jr. and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Taking Behavioralism Seriously: A Response to Market Manipulation
Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar