"Social studies and geography: beyond rote memorization" by Alan Canestrari

Social studies and geography: beyond rote memorization

Document Type



Social studies and geography: beyond rote memorization is a Book Chapter in: Integrating Inquiry Across the Curriculum, p.17-42. Edited by Richard H. Audet and Linda K. Jordan. Published by Corwin Press. ISBN: 1412906164 (Cloth); ISBN: 1412906172 (pbk.)


Geographic understanding is crucial to our existence on Earth. This body of knowledge has contributed to a greater emphasis on landscapes and the people and cultures that occupy them in the curriculum. But teaching geography sometimes resorts to an over reliance on measuring students’ ability to locate and name places. These outcomes fall short of what is needed to ensure that students understand that the world’s resources are finite, and that only through human cooperation can problems be solved on a global scale. How can teaching geography become more transformative? Problem-based or issue-based geographic inquiry offers the best chance for inspiring students to assume greater social responsibility and take action as citizens of the world.

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