"Mentor demonstration sites in high- need schools: Building bridges to " by Dena Slanda, Mary Little et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

TED 2022 Conference Proceedings: Building Bridges


Published in: TED 2022 Conference Proceedings: Building Bridges, November 8-11, 2022.


Preparation programs can develop educator capacity to implement frameworks to support students with high-intensity needs (HIN) through Virtual Mentor Demonstration Sites (MDS) which provide an opportunity to highlight High Leverage Practices within an multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). Utilizing MDS can grow and sustain educator capacity by showcasing exemplar practices and highlighting student results in high-need schools. Focused on improving outcomes of students through collaboration of special educators and related service providers (e.g., school psychologists, speech-language pathologists), an innovative personnel preparation program developed a network of MDS designed to scale-up knowledge and skills gained through participation in an interdisciplinary graduate program. The MDS schools were intentionally selected to serve as exemplary models for academic, social-emotional, and behavioral interventions across collaboration, leadership, assessment, mathematics, and literacy. The MDS practices are highlighted on the program website, are anchored in research, and link research to practice for program scholars, school-based administrators and educators, and university faculty.

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