Cory House
"The Cory complex includes an oak timber-framed dwelling house; a two-story, double-pile, gable roofed, center-chimney house; a cow barn; and foundations of various out-building. Surrounded by stone walls, the buildings are situated on the west side of Cornell Rd. amid open meadows and cow pastures." (from Anne W. Baker's Site and Building Summary - Cory Farm Complex)
Cory House 132: Back of Lintel
Cory House 134: Right end of Lintel
Cory House 136: Back of Lintel, Right End
Cory House 138: Lintel End - Left
Cory House 140: Lintel Chamfer and Lambs Tongue
Cory House 143: Second Floor Firebox, SE Chamber
Cory House 144: Mantle, Southeast Chamber
Cory House 146: Mantle from Southeast Chamber Close-up
Cory House 150: Chimney Foundation
Cory House 152: New Chimney Top
Cory House 166: Sliding Shutter
Cory House 168: Windows in East Parlor
Cory House 170: Framing Southeast Chamber
Cory House 171: Framing in Northeast Chamber
Cory House 172: Northeast Parlor
Cory House 176: Southeast Parlor
Cory House 177: Mantle Drawing
Cory House 180: Summer Beam, Southeast Parlor
Cory House 181: Summer Beam Northeast Parlor
Cory House 182: Southeast Parlor
Cory House 183: Sliding Shutter in Southeast Parlor
Cory House 184: Southeast Parlor Paneling
Cory House 186: Original Door into the Southeast Parlor
Cory House 188: Shadow Window Stool
Cory House 190: Bead on Post, First Floor
Cory House 191: Small Bead on Trim, Second Floor
Cory House 194: Window Patched, Second Floor
Cory House 195: Window Patched, Second Floor, East
Cory House 198: Firebox in North Chamber, Second Floor
Cory House 212: Ell, Second Floor
Cory House 216: Top of Ell Stairs
Cory House 219: Old Kitchen Entrance
Cory House 223: Original Pantry
Cory House 224: Kitchen Hidden Doorway
Cory House 226: Kitchen, South End
Cory House 230: Double Wall, Kitchen
Cory House 232: Kitchen stairs
Cory House 236: Old Kitchen Ceiling
Cory House 240: Butterfly Hinge in Kitchen
Cory House 241: Butterfly Hinge
Cory House 246: New Mantle in Kitchen
Cory House 248: Kitchen to Sink Room
Cory House 250: Water Intake, Cistern
Cory House 270: Rafters in Old House
Cory House 278: ADZ Marks on Rafters
Cory House 284: Ladder to Roof
Cory House 292: Beginning Renovation on Front
Cory House 294: South End Exterior
Cory House 296: South End Windows
Cory House 297: Original Windows - Exterior
Cory House 298: South Wall Exterior
Cory House 300: Exterior Corner Line of Corner Board
Cory House 302: Roof Connection of Addition
Cory House 303: Exterior Northeast Corner
Cory House 304: Second Floor Window Pediment
Cory House 306: Attic Window Pediment
Cory House 308: Exterior, Northwest Corner
Cory House 310: Sill Repair on West End
Cory House 312: New Sill, East End
Cory House 318: Remeasuring for Doorway
Cory House 320: Roof Stripping
Cory House 325: Ell, South End
Cory House 350: Front Window tops
Cory House 352: Typical Sill for Replacement
Cory House 360: Window Heads, South Wall
Cory House 362: Ell Getting Clapboards
Cory House 363: Addition, Clapboards
Cory House 365: Foundation for Addition
Cory House 368: Foundation Finished
Cory House 370: Sills on Addition
Cory House 372: Framing Addition
Cory House 376: Shingles on Back of Addition
Cory House 385: New Roof Shingles
Cory House 408: New Door close-up
Cory House 430: Renovated Interior
Cory House 435: Renovated Interior
Cory House 456: Renovating Interior
Cory House 457: Renovating Interior
Cory House 459: Renovating Interior
Cory House 460: Renovating Interior