Submissions from 2024
The impact of consumer personality and social network position on brand community engagement, Duygu Akdevelioglu, Selcan Kara, and Victor Perotti
Sovereign credit and geopolitical risks during and after the EMU crisis, Theodoros Bratis, Georgios P. Kouretas, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Prodromos Vlamis
Are Industry Returns Informative about Other Industries and Fundamentals?, Nikiforos T. Laopodis
Do the Fama–French Factors Proxy Geopolitical Risks?, Nikiforos T. Laopodis
The term structure of interest rates and economic activity: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic, Evangelos Salachas, Georgios P. Kouretas, and Nikiforos T. Laopodis
Stock market spillovers of global risks and hedging opportunities, Evangelos Salachas, Georgios P. Kouretas, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Prodromos Vlamis
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and ESG Scores: Do They Tell the Same Story?, Minoo Tehrani, Andreas Rathgeber, Edward Dougherty, Lawrence Fulton, and James Fournier
Submissions from 2023
Is this real life? Is it just fantasy? The development and validation of a media-evoked fantasy scale, Delancy H.S. Bennett, Geraldo Matos, Nwamaka A. Anaza, Cecilia Ruvalcaba, and Mitchell Hamilton
The importance and efficacy of controlling for social desirability response bias, Richard A. Bernardi and Jonathan Nash
CDS and equity markets’ volatility linkages: lessons from the EMU crisis, Theodoros Bratis, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Georgios P. Kouretas
Digital device use and scientific literacy: an examination using Programme for International Student assessment (PISA) 2015 data, Fang Dong and Maria Cornachione Kula
Optimization models for patient and technician scheduling in hemodialysis centers, Farbod Farhadi, Sina Ansari, and Francisco Jara-Moroni
The philosophical and methodological guidelines for ethical online ethnography, Neil Hair, Duygu Akdevelioglu, and Moira Clark
Dynamic Stability of Public Debt: Evidence from the Eurozone Countries, Epameinondas Katsikas, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Konstantinos Spanos
When Do and Which Fama–French Factors Explain Industry Returns?, Nikiforos T. Laopodis
Dynamic correlations of bond and equity futures and macroeconomic determinants: international evidence, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, Theophano Patra, and Vassilis Thomas
Does the presence of three or more female directors associate with corporate recognition?, Madeline N. Neuberger, Richard A. Bernardi, Susan M. Bosco, and Erynne E. Landry
Equity closed-end fund discounts and taxes, Shishir Paudel, Sabatino Silveri, and Mark Wu
Patient appointment scheduling at hemodialysis centers: An exact branch and price approach, Mohammad Reihaneh, Sina Ansari, and Farbod Farhadi
Implications of Recent Foreign Bank Account Reporting Litigation, Lynn Ruggieri, Julia M. Camp, Lynn Comer Jones, and John McQuilkin
Thinking Big About Going Small: Conceptualizing the Human-Technology Integration Spectrum, Anastasia Thyroff, Matthew A. Hawkins, and Duygu Akdevelioglu
Submissions from 2022
Geopolitical risks, uncertainty, and stock market performance, Maria Eleni K. Agoraki, Georgios P. Kouretas, and Nikiforos T. Laopodis
Wearable technologies, brand community and the growth of a transhumanist vision, Duygu Akdevelioglu, Sean Hansen, and Alladi Venkatesh
Assessing the effectiveness of the emergency liquidity assistance tool in the euro area, Eleftheria Kostika and Nikiforos T. Laopodis
Global risk factors of NYSE- and NASDAQ-listed shipping companies’ stock returns, Nikiforos T. Laopodis
Investor sentiment and asset prices: Evidence from the ex-day, Shishir Paudel, Sabatino (Dino) Silveri, and Mark Wu
Stakeholders as Value Creators: The Role of Multi-Level Networks in Employee Wellness Programs, Cecilia Ruvalcaba, Duygu Akdevelioglu, and Jonathan Schroeder
The Effects of Loneliness on Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Brands’ Social Media Strategies, Ruby Saine, Geraldo Matos, and Miao Zhao
Kuiki Credit: scaling innovation in a growing fintech startup, Ryan Schill, Ronei Leonel, Frances Fabian, and David Frank Jorgensen
Submissions from 2021
Dynamics and asymmetries between consumer sentiment and consumption in pre- and during-COVID-19 time: Evidence from the US, Salah Abosedra, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Ali Fakih
The job rotation scheduling problem considering human cognitive effects: an integrated approach, Ashkan Ayough, Farbod Farhadi, and Mostafa Zandieh
What Factors Predict Faculty Engagement in Business Ethics Education?, Laura Beauvais, Susan M. Bosco, David Desplaces, and Avi Kay
Decreasing cheating and increasing whistle-blowing in the classroom: A replication study, Richard A. Bernardi, Samantha A. Bilinsky, Callie H. Chase, Lisa D. Giannini, and Samantha A. MacWhinnie
Monetary policy expectations and sovereign risk dynamics in the Eurozone, Theodoros Bratis, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Georgios P. Kouretas
Religiosity and Tax Compliance: Evidence from U.S. Counties, Sanghyun Hwang and Kadir Nagac
GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR OBSTACLE LOCATION-ALLOCATION PROBLEMS WITH CUSTOMER, Priorities, Ashkan Ayough, Farbod Farhadi, Mostafa Zandieh, and Parisa Rastkhadiv
I See Me: The Role of Observer Imagery in Reducing Consumer Transgressions, Ruby Saine, Alexander J. Kull, Ali Besharat, and Sajeev Varki
The asymmetrical effects of emotional loneliness vs. social loneliness on consumers’ food preferences, Ruby Saine and Miao Zhao
Sustainability & csr: The relationship with hofstede cultural dimensions, Minoo Tehrani, Andreas Rathgeber, Lawrence Fulton, and Bryan Schmutz
Submissions from 2020
An international investigation of opinion leadership and social media, Duygu Akdevelioglu and Selcan Kara
Balancing, sequencing, and job rotation scheduling of a U-shaped lean cell with dynamic operator performance, Ashkan Ayough, Mostafa Zandieh, and Farbod Farhadi
Minority students corporate engagement programs: Addressing the ad industry’s problem with minorities, Delancy H.S. Bennett, Geraldo Matos, Yana Andonova, and Lori Pindar
Dynamics among global asset portfolios, Theodoros Bratis, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Georgios P. Kouretas
Systemic risk and financial stability dynamics during the Eurozone debt crisis, Theodoros Bratis, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Georgios P. Kouretas
The COO Construct: Methodological and Related Issues in a Globalized World, Ruby R. Dholakia, Miao Zhao, and Jingyi Duan
Dynamic linkages among cryptocurrencies, exchange rates and global equity markets, Eleftheria Kostika and Nikiforos T. Laopodis
The digital continuum: the influence of ownership, access, control, and Cocreation on digital offerings, Kathleen S. Micken, Scott D. Roberts, and Jason D. Oliver
Health Disparities and Cardiovascular Disease, Ava Niakouei, Minoo Tehrani, and Lawrence Fulton
Women’s Empowerment and the Well-being of Children in Nepal, Priniti Panday
The status of women and its influence on children’s well-being: Do geography, religion and income matter? A comparative study, Priniti Panday, Deanna Rackie, and Maria Cornachione Kula
Nasdaq ex-day behavior: An out-of-sample test, Shishir Paudel, Sabatino Silveri, and Mark Wu
Dow Jones sustainability indices, do they make a difference? The U.S. and the European Union companies, Bryan Schmutz, Minoo Tehrani, Lawrence Fulton, and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Green cities and waste management: The restaurant industry, Minoo Tehrani, Lawrence Fulton, and Bryan Schmutz
Submissions from 2019
How to Make Lean Cellular Manufacturing Work? Integrating Human Factors in the Design and Improvement Process, Ashkan Ayough and Farbod Farhadi
‘Leveling the playing field’ when ranking accounting-education authors, Richard A. Bernardi and Kimberly Z. Collins
The behavior of U.S. States' debts and deficits, Maria Cornachione Kula
The information set of the Feds policy reaction function, Nikiforos T. Laopodis
Aggregate production and macroeconomic dynamics: Evidence from European economies, Nikiforos T. Laopodis and Andreas Papastamou
Development of a multi-dimensional measure for assessing entrepreneurial ecosystems, Eric Liguori, Josh Bendickson, Shelby Solomon, and William C. McDowell
Under-researched domains in entrepreneurship and enterprise education: primary school, community colleges and vocational education and training programs, Eric Liguori, Rebecca Corbin, Martin Lackeus, and Shelby John Solomon
Submissions from 2018
Contagion and interdependence in Eurozone bank and sovereign credit markets, Theodoros Bratis, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Georgios P. Kouretas
The long-term effects of American Indian boarding schools, Matthew T. Gregg
Exploring emotional response to images used in agritourism destination marketing, Leah Joyner, Carol Kline, Jason Oliver, and Daniel Kariko
To stay or switch: breaking the habit of status quo through imagery perspective, Ruby Saine, Carlin A. Nguyen, Ali Besharat, and Philip J. Trocchia
Assessing monetary policies in the Eurozone, U.S., U.K. and Japan: new evidence from the post-crisis period, Evangelos Salachas, Nikiforos T. Laopodis, and Georgios P. Kouretas
Night of the Living Dead as a metaphor for entrepreneurship Shelby Solomon, Shelby Solomon
Crafted in America: From culture to profession, Shelby Solomon and Blake Mathias
Submissions from 2017
Feeling Good, Being Intentional, and Their Relationship to Two Types of Creativity at Work, Kimberly S. Jaussi, Alexander R. Knights, and Alka Gupta
Social class, leaders and leadership: a critical review and suggestions for development, Sean R. Martin, Benjamin D. Innis, and Ray G. Ward
After the harvest: A stewardship perspective on entrepreneurship and philanthropy, Blake D. Mathias, Shelby J. Solomon, and Kristen Madison
The Power of Politics in Branding, Geraldo Matos, Gema Vinuales, and Daniel A. Sheinin
Actively managed mutual funds holding passive investments: What do ETF positions tell us about mutual fund ability?, D. Eli Sherrill, Sara E. Shirley, and Jeffrey R. Stark
Social media consumer as digital avatar, Alladi Venkatesh and Duygu Akdevelioglu
Submissions from 2016
Accounting-education trends by authors from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, Richard A. Bernardi, Taylor L. Delande, and Kimberly A. Zamojcin
What actions can be taken to increase whistle-blowing in the classroom?, Richard A. Bernardi, Alexandra C. Landry, Erynne E. Landry, Mitchell R. Buonafede, and Marissa E. Berardi
Ranking accounting authors and departments in accounting education: different methodologies–significantly different results, Richard A. Bernardi, Kimberly A. Zamojcin, and Taylor L. Delande
Heuristics and meta-heuristics for runway scheduling problems, Farbod Farhadi
Qualitative research in entreprenuership: Current research practices and suggestions for the future, Golshan Javadian, Alka Gupta, and Alexander R. Knights
Recognition for Sustained Corporate Social Responsibility: Female Directors Make a Difference, Erynne E. Landry, Richard A. Bernardi, and Susan M. Bosco
Pre-auction inventory and bidding behavior: Evidence from Canadian Treasury auctions, Kristian Rydqvist and Mark Wu
Why Do Fund Families Release Underperforming Incubated Mutual Funds?, Sara E. Shirley and Jeffrey R. Stark
Corruption via media capture: The effect of competition, Samarth Vaidya and Rupayan Gupta
Submissions from 2015
A column generation approach for aircraft sequencing problems: A computational study, Ahmed Ghoniem and Farbod Farhadi
An accelerated branch-and-price algorithm for multiple-runway aircraft sequencing problems, Ahmed Ghoniem, Farbod Farhadi, and Mohammad Reihaneh
Selection into Mixed Marriages: Evidence from North Carolina, 1894-1906, Matthew T. Gregg
Encore careers: Motivating factors for career exit and rebirth, Wendy Marcinkus Murphy and Elizabeth Hamilton Volpe
Marketing Digital Offerings Is Different: Strategies for Teaching About Digital Offerings in the Marketing Classroom, Scott D. Roberts and Kathleen S. Micken
Insights into social media and online digital music, Yanbin Tu, Miao Zhao, and Cathleen Jones
Submissions from 2014
Whistle-blowing in the classroom: The influence of students’ perceptions of whistleblowers, Richard A. Bernardi, Evan S. Goetjen, and Jennifer M. Brax
Changing threat perceptions and the efficient provisioning of international security, Rupayan Gupta
Are US state and local governments consumption smoothers?, Maria Cornachione Kula
Commodity trading advisor indexes and alpha generation relationships, Scott Mackey
Bank Runs and the Accounting for Illiquid Assets in Financial Institutions, Anthony Meder, Steven T. Schwartz, Mark Wu, and Richard A. Young
Could the level of personal indebtedness influence an auditor's professional decision-making process?, Christopher J. Sweeney, Richard A. Bernardi, and Donald F. Arnold
Insights into social media and online digital music, Yanbin Tu, Miao Zhao, and Cathleen Jones
Submissions from 2013
Examining the Use of Hofstede's Uncertainty Avoidance Construct in a Major Role in Ethics Research, Julia D. Davis, Richard A. Bernardi, and Susan M. Bosco
Generational Differences in Use of Social Media in Today’s Workplace, Michael Diercksen, Matthew DiPlacido, Diane M. Harvey, and Susan M. Bosco
Using TEALE learning methodology to promote portable interdisciplinary accountability in engineering education, Lynroy Grant, Akram Abu-Aisheh, Alan Hadad, and Barbara Poole